come on dude. that thing is like a bedazzled fanny flab. unfortunately i didn't get a picture from the front but she basically had diamnte's covering her nipples. it was bad.

hahahahah. i seriously thought her lips were and boobs were gonna pop when i was talking to her. come on chic, plastic surgery is so 90'S. you look ricidiculous!

oh hellllls the nooooooooooooo!!! these two clearly are not good friends cos I would never let me friends leave the house looking like this. these ensembles were a frickin disaster. and then i think to myself.... how many hours did it take you, slaving in front of the mirror to make yourself look this bad??

babes. babes. babes. no. seriously??? thise sandles with footless lace tights?? really? no wait. you think that worked?? really?

apparently belville tannies were also allowed in the met. i think tannie on the left stole the j&b ribbon from the decor and wrapped her dress with it. No i'm serious. i think she did.

oooohhhhhhhh the gals really pulled out the big guns ey??? so bedazzled! groooooowwwwwlll in you naimal print mama grooooowwwlllll!!!!!!

like i said, these people can't be friends. what the fffuuuuuuuuuu???? it's looks like tissue paper vomitted all over her. no babe. no.

oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, how's this green number?? baby girl looks like she escaped a bad Paarl matric farewell. no babes. no.
I think its wonderful that these events inspire people to wanna go all out but come on...if your a jean-pant kinda gal just accept who your r b4 u hurt urself